Beachmont STEAM Afterschool Club a Hit with Students Partnership with Northeastern University Freshman a Success
RPS, RevereTV partner for Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Program features a student roundtable and insights on Dr. King’s legacy from city dignitaries
Read Across America Day-Día de la lectura en toda América-Dia de leitura em toda a América- اقرأ عبر يوم أمريكا Friday, March 1st- Viernes 1 de marzo- Sexta-feira, 1º de março- الجمعة 1 مارس
Tonight's the Night! Come Celebrate Black History Month With US! Join Us Tonight at 5 p.m. for a great event filled with music, Jamaican food, conversation, and much more.
Makin' Jamaican to Provide Food for Our Black History Month Celebration Come enjoy the event and some authentic Jamaican food on Feb. 28 at RHS!
February Break-vacaciones de febrero-Férias de fevereiro-عطلة فبراير No school February 19th-February 23rd-No hay clases del 19 de febrero al 23 de febrero-Não há aulas de 19 a 23 de fevereiro-لا توجد مدرسة من 19 فبراير إلى 23 فبراير
Dr. Kalise Wornum, RPS Families Discuss Becoming a Culturally Proficient Caregiver Workshop Focuses on Equity and Inclusion Best Practices
Beachmont PTO Dress Down Day: Red Day-Día de vestimenta informal del PTO de Beachmont: Día rojo-Dia de vestir o PTO de Beachmont: Dia Vermelho-Beachmont PTO Dress Down Day: اليوم الأحمر February 13th-13 de febrero-13 de fevereiro-13 فبراير
Check Out our Monthly Newsletter and Highlights from January A recap of an exciting month of January is available now
Become Part of the RPS Family and Register for Kindergarten 2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration will Begin Monday at the PIC Center