For Families » School Dress Code Clothing

School Dress Code Clothing

Starting the 2013-2014 school year, the Beachmont will be a uniform school. All students will be required to wear an uniform everyday to school. The student uniform consists of the following items:


BOTTOMS: Solid Navy blue, Khaki

o     Pants

o     Knee length skirt

o    Skorts

o     Jumper

o     Knee length shorts

o     Solid navy blue sweatpants  OR “Beachmont logo sweatpants” may be worn any time


   TOPS: Solid navy blue or white

o     Short sleeve/long sleeve

o     Collared

o     Sweatshirt (must be worn over collared shirt)

o     Sweaters (must be worn over collared shirt)



o     Sneakers preferred, but any sensible footwear is acceptable. No beach flip flops.

o     Sandals must have a back strap.

o     Socks and stockings can be any color or pattern.



(No stripes, designs, logos, or wording)


The following clothing items are NOT ALLOWED. 

Leggings    Corduroys                          Nylon jogging pants

Skinny pants    Jeans                                   T-shirts

Black pants    Pajama pants          Beach flip flops


If students do not have the proper uniform:

·     Parents will be called and asked to bring the proper uniform to school

·     Students will receive a U (for uniform) on the Respect Core

·     Students will not participate in recess


When the weather is cooler students may wear sweatshirts and sweaters to keep warm. However- all sweatshirts, hoodies, sweaters, etc.,  need to be navy blue or white.The color of heavy winter jackets and coats does not matter. BUT these lighter weight items need to be in uniform colors.


For more information on wear to locate and buy school uniforms, please check out our Uniform Information Board on Pinterest.